Africa: The Big Deal - Startup Deals Database - Updated Monthly

50 ratings

Monthly updated Excel database listing all $100K+ funding deals secured by startups in Africa. 

Once subscribed, you will receive by email each month the entire dataset updated with all the new deals that occured that month. 

Included with your initial subscription: the entire dataset from Jan 2019 to end June 2024

This database captures all the details of these deals, namely:

  • Deal disclosure date
  • Start-up name
  • Website
  • Country
  • Region within Africa
  • Launch Year
  • Description of the start-up
  • Sector
  • Whether this startup falls within the Climate Tech sector
  • Names of all founders with their LinkedIn links
  • Details on gender balance in founding teams
  • Details on CEO education background (university, country, graduation year)
  • Whether the startup took part in Y Combinator (and, if so, in which cohort)
  • Number of employees
  • Deal Amounts
  • Amounts Bracket
  • Type of deal (Seed, Series A, B etc.)
  • Whether this transaction was an exit
  • Valuation (when disclosed)
  • Whether this was the 1st $M raised
  • Link to press release on the deal
  • Names of disclosed investors

And in a separate tab specifically on investors:

  • Country
  • Region
  • Website
  • Number of deals for each investor, per year

Note: for 2020, the database only captures deals of $500K+ / for 2019, the database only captures deals of $1M+

IMPORTANT: make sure to please enter your correct email address when registering, so that you can receive the monthly updates.


No refund unless subscriber was already subscribed

In the only case a subscriber was actually already subscribed (sometimes through a different email address), Africa The Big Deal would cancel and refund the second subscription.

Last updated Jan 18, 2024

You'll get the entire Jan 2019 - June 2024 dataset + a monthly update (by email) of $100K+ funding deals secured by startups in Africa

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$154 a year

Africa: The Big Deal - Startup Deals Database - Updated Monthly

50 ratings