Africa Startups Deals Database 2019-2020

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Database of funding deals closed by startups in Africa between January 2019 and December 2020.

This database captures all the details of these deals, namely: 

- Start-up name

- Website

- Country

- Launch Year

- Description of the start-up

- Sector

- Names of all founders with their LinkedIn links

- Details on gender balance in founding teams

- Details on CEO education background (university, country, graduation year)

- Deal Amounts

- Amounts Bracket, Type of deal (Seed, Series A, B etc.)

- Whether this was the 1st $M raised

- Deal disclosure date

- Link to press release on the deal

- Names of disclosed investors

- Country, regions and number of deals of the investors

For 2019, the database captures all deals above $1M and for 2020, all deals above $500K.

This product is not currently for sale.

Database of funding deals closed by startups in Africa between January 2019 and December 2020.

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Africa Startups Deals Database 2019-2020

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